Using CompendiumNG for Mind Mapping

Compendium is an excellent tool for mind mapping, conceptual mapping or issue mapping.

Mind mapping

A popular use scenario of CompendiumNG is mind mapping. CompendiumNG has several advantages over other mind mapping or concept mapping software:

  • There is no limit to the complexity of your maps (e.g.maps can contain further maps or maps can referre to themselves);
  • You are not forced into a hierarchical mapping structure as Compendium supports circular referrencing;
  • You can store extended amounts of text in a node;
  • You can use different link types and labels for your links;
  • It allows you to quickl re-arrange different items of a mind map;
  • You can have ‘hanging’ nodes without a direct connection to other nodes;
  • You can add links or documents by simply dragging and dropping them into your maps;

Issue mapping

The aim of issue mapping is to provide a means of critically engaging with complex issues. Using Compendium it is easy to create maps identifying different aspects associated with an issue and to engage in critical assessment of these aspects. In particular, Compendium’s ability to include futher maps and to model circular references provide a means for engage with compex issues. Copmendium is thus a tool for engaging in wicked problems that is problems that do not have a simple linear solution. CompendiumNG allows to engage with such problems in a non-linear manner.

Topic mapping

Topic mapping is similar to issue mapping and mind mapping. However, the approach is adding an additional level of complexity. In this sense a topic map includes maps on several issues cross referencing between them and potentally also including bibliographic material or further documents. Compendium is ideal for topic mapping, as there is no limit to maps or nodes and how they can be interconnected. In particular the concept of ‘transclusion’ enables to have the “same” node appearing on multiple maps. Compendium lets you easily navigate to other appearances of these nodes helping you to discover cross references, interdependencies and relationships you did not even think of.

External links and examples


  • Back to the CompendiumNG use examples overview.
  • Continue by downloading and starting to work with CompendiumNG.

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  1. Ping from Comparison of Four Concept Map Tools | WordsWordsWords:

    […] For example, I can do this easily in CompendiumNG. […]