Feature Suggestions Page (FSP)

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Introduce data sensitivity handling levels for projects


There should be options in setting (probably on map level and compendium installation)
sensitive data handling level:

closed: search on internet is disabled
secure: allow to search only for white-listed tags
normal: “secure” + don’t search for blacklisted and ask/user review for the rest. Once the user approves untagged node for internet search it will be auto-tagged as white-listed (or black-listed if search is not approved)
relaxed: only blacklisted is not searched the other is silently searched
open: anything is searched. tags are ignored completely and any search is allow

ensitive data tagging:

blacklisted tag: secure,password,secret,pass (i.e.)
whitelisted tags: public (i.e)

in M1 I would like have “data review” implemented so user can see what will be sent to the internet.
This of course has a shortcoming that user has to do one more click. I wonder if this “search in google” feature
is used extensively among users.

Google has also https://google.com if simple eavesdropping is the main concern

if Google itself is the concern than it should be up to the user to select search provider.

so we have a new enhancement request: “allow to use alternative internet search provider”
there should be setting to set preferred search provider with customizing the search URL.

This feature suggestion is imported from GitHub issue #110 Please vote on it!

suggested September 18, 2014
Sebastian Boell