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Selecting and marking nodes on the map


when working with set of nodes the behavior should be improved.
i.e. when you miss-click then all your selection is unselected.
or if you click on a link label area then the same happens.
This is very annoying when you have many nodes selected.

behavior regarding node selection should be improved:
There should be “selecting” and “marking”
selecting – for simple ad-hoc operations
marking – selection made more “permanent” (i.e. “mark selected nodes”) marked nodes remain persistent over database close/open

consider marking x tagging (would it make sense implement “mark” as special case of a “tag” )
consider also “mark set”, “named marked set”, “convert marked nodes into selected nodes and vice versa” etc.

There should be following (usual) behavior in application for selecting nodes:

1 click on node – selects that particular node only
1.1 when followed by escape key it restores previous selection
2 Ctrl-click on a node adds that particular node to the selection
2.2 Ctrl-click sub remove that particular from the selection
2.3 click on some node -> rule 1 applies
3 Shift-click on a node same like – rule 2
shift-click allows to add all nodes of within rectangulary surrounded area to the selection
shift-click allows to remove all nodes within rectangulary surrounded area to the selection when all nodes are are already selected

This feature suggestion is imported from GitHub issue #12 Please vote on it!

suggested September 8, 2014
Sebastian Boell