Feature Suggestions Page (FSP)

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Editable ReferenceNode Icon settings


ReferenceNode Icons are defined in /images/ReferenceNodeIcons/referencenodetypes.xml

It would be beneficial if this was editable (add / edit / delete) in CNG’s preferences.

It would be great if fileType and icon were not on a one-to-one relationship: that is, it would be great to have the ability to define multiple fileTypes to one icon (without having to add an entry for each fileType). For example: “xsl,xlt,xslx,xltx,xslm,xltm” -> myExcelIcon.png

It would also be nice if this was definable per Map Type (see other suggestions for MindMap type [https://compendiumng.org/suggestions/mindmapping-mode/] and other Ontologies [https://compendiumng.org/suggestions/allow-map-nodes-to-define-the-ontology/])

suggested May 15, 2013